So Friday night comes along and the contractions start. But honestly I had never been pregnant before so how was I supposed to know if this was it or not?! They kept me up all night and I counted as this weird pain became closer and stronger and lasted longer. So at about 6:00 am or so I wake Josh up and tell him I think this is really it and it is time to go. He didn't FREAKING believe me! We had about 2 or 3 false alarms already but seriously when I say time to go it is time to go! He made me eat some food and hang out on the couch as he took his time getting ready and putting the base to the car seat in the car. Then I FINALLY convinced him to go.
When we got there the nurse said I was at a 5. She went out and spoke to my doctor and they decided I was staying!! I was so excited when they said this! My first question was, when do I get my epidural : ) They put us in the most awesome labor and delivery room. It was a corner room of the hospital and it was snowing that morning so it was all windows and it was so nice to look out of. Well I got my epidural which I thought wasn't bad to get at all, and it felt amazing when it took affect. And then an hour passed, and then 2, and then 3 and then 4, and then I was finally at a 6!! So they decided to break my water. But no change. Still at a six at the 6th hour. And then 7 hours pass, then 8, then 9. Time to get petocin! Yes this will finally be over! Then 10 hours, then 11 hours, then 12 hours. The doctor comes in and checks me and says "you are still at a 6 I think he is too large (**FINALLY some one agrees sinve I hae been saying it for MONTHS**). I will let you try for 12 more hours if you want but it is time to start thinking about a c-section." We ask him what he would want us to do and he said that he thinks it will be a c-section even if I wait. Josh and I talked it over and I said "I want to meet this baby and there is no way I am dong this for another 12 hours." Josh called his mom and dad and asked them to come to the hospital. We didn't know what to expect. I was prepared mentally to push not to have a major surgery.
It seemed like the moment we told them "ok we will do a c-section" things started to happen really fast. The anesthesiologist came in and pumped me full of A LOT of drugs I was completely out of it. They told us all about what to expect. They got Josh in his scrubs (which were very cute on him). And they wheeled me to the operating room. I was nervous, and I was scared, and I was so excited to meet my little guy. They got me on the table and strapped me down. They told me I would feel lots of pressure. I was very very tired and just out of it so they told me to stay awake, Josh kept yelling my name to keep me up. And then I felt the tugging of them getting the baby out. The doctor yells "this is a HUGE boy you made the right choice by doing a c-section now." And then the little cry. I looked at Josh and we just both lost it (honestly I am crying now just remembering). Oh it was amazing. They showed him to me over the curtain and Josh went around to meet him. Even if it wasn't a normal birth it still felt amazing to hear that cry.
So after 13 hours and a surgery later I got this:

The most handsome little guy there ever was. He was 9 lbs 15 oz BUT his head was 38.5 cm! I think we broke the record at the hospital for largest head, well the nurses all said they had never seen one that big.
He is adorable. He is so fun and so stinking cute. I probably kiss his cheeks at least 100 times a day. He is a great little guy that is starting to get in to a routine. It was the best moment of my life. I would do the 9 months all over again for him. I can't wait to watch him grow and to kiss those cheeks when he is a teenager and telling me to get away. I love him more than I ever thought possible. He is my little guy, my little Landon.