Well I call my OB and the nurse tells me to go in to labor and delivery at the hospital to make sure I am not leaking amniotic fluid. I didn't know what to expect so I packed my bag just in case. Josh and I drove over to the hospital, they had me go into our own room, put a gown on, and then they hooked up the monitors to me to measure the babies heart beat and my contractions. The nurses were so nice. They wanted a urine sample from me which is always exciting when you are more than 8 months pregnant. Then they tested to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid. Well the test said it wasn't amniotic fluid.
Then the most exciting part of the day happened. A nurse came in and told me my urine sample was contaminated and that they needed to give me catheter. I could have passed out! It seriously hurt! And not only did it hurt the first time but it hurt the second she did it!!! I even said to her "since you are doing all this will you take him out??" But of course no.
They ended up sending me home and telling me to go tomorrow morning to my OB's office to get my fluid levels check. So I go the next day and the doc tells me that I have plenty of amniotic fluid but it might be that my bag of water has ruptured and it could break any time. Oh, and as a side note the doctor tells me I should have gone to the office cause the hospital was a waste of money! YOUR NURSES TOLD ME TO GO, GEEZE!
So now the mode I am can only be described as: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! He could come at any time! I need to get ready!!
Dee hang in there, nurses don't always know what they are doing! Mine told me my water hadn't ruptured yet, even though I was leaking all over the floor. An hour later, she finally took a sample and said, "yep, your water broke." and I had my baby a few hours later.
ReplyDeleteMake sure your bag is packed, and don't forget comfort things like chapstick or lotion (mine were eyebrow tweezers) and try and relax as much as possible.