I have been asking Josh for the past two years to buy me a sewing machine and he keeps telling me no that I will never use it, that I have so much scrapbooking stuff and I never do it, blah, blah, blah. But still I ask for my birthday that was this past May and he said no. I thought he would surprise me with one the night of my birthday but NOOOOOO. Until......my mom and dad bought me one! It was such a nice surprise. I thought about all of the things I would make. Clothes, and dresses, and baby things. And then reality set in. I have no freaking idea how to sew. The good news was, the machine came with classes from the store my parents purchased it at. But they weren't scheduled to start until August.
I figured, it's a class about how to use a machine and this machine is AMAZING so I am not going to touch it until my class because I will break it. The store called me yesterday to remind me about my class today. I tell the girl "I can't sew" and she says "oh its ok this is a class about your machine not about projects." I felt good, she tells me I need needles for the machine, thread, fabric scissors, a notebook, and pen. So since I have no idea about sewing I remember "Walmart has a sewing section!!" So I go last night get all my stuff - I felt like I was in school again so I but a girly notebook.
Then tonight I go to my first class. I bring my machine, I am led to the back of the store, but of course I am 20 minutes early and am the first one there. I put my machine on the table take the lid off and sit down. It finally turns 6:00 pm and in walks this girl. Literally a 13 year old girl. She has a roller bag. Her machine is in a roller bag! Did you know these existed? She is with her mom because she can't drive of course. She takes her machine out puts it together and and threads it. I am amazed. Then her mom tells me that she is the blue ribbon winner for best quilt at the county fair. Seriously?!? Then two other middle aged women walk in and do the same thing, set up their machines thread them and start discussing how long they have been sewing. They show each other the embroidered bookmarks they have made. I am in the wrong class.
Well I guess I should set up my machine. I take the plastic off the pieces, remove bubble wrap, plug things in where I think they go, and wait. Class begins and the woman starts throwing words around like Class A needles, minky, and Berdina. Ya I was lost but everyone else was smiling and speaking the same foreign language. Then she comes and threads my machine and says "sew this stitch in a straight line." And I say "how?" And she says to step on the peddle. I step on the peddle and scream because that needle moves so fast! My new friend, the 13 year old, is laughing at me. It finally clicks to the lady that I REALLY have NO idea how to sew. She took the time to show me and then she promised me that I would learn to sew. I sewed 6 lines tonight! Not straight, but 6!
You will see. I will sew. I will make a blanket some day and it will be beautiful. But it will never win a blue ribbon in the county fair. Dang 13 year old girls.
Too funny. That is exactly how I was. Grant bought me a machine and I took a class and was clueless. I too was pregnant and wanted to sew the crib bedding. Needless to say I ended up taking it my Mother in law who saved the day. I still have the ambition of using the machine sometime.
ReplyDeleteI love your new blog, remember lots of pictures. You are a smart women, and you will learn to sew. Any problems call me. We can discuss sewing terms!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDee, this was so funny. I could totally envision you in your sewing class, the 13 yr old and the other students and you sitting there completely inexperienced.
ReplyDeleteI applaud you! I got a sewing machine and it scared me so I returned it. Though, I will learn how to sew one day. So will you!