Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The things I am learning about boys

Well Landon is almost 3 weeks old. I can't believe how fast time has gone by! But he is still really little. So I grew up in a family with all girls and out here in Utah I am surrounded by all nieces so I don't have much experience with boys. I feel like I have learned so much in the past three weeks. First off, I could not figure out why he kept peeing through his diaper and it was always his stomach that was soaked. It should have just been common sense but how was I supposed to point his boy parts down!?! Once that problem was solved I felt pretty confident in my diaper changing abilities that was until the other day. I was changing Landon and all of a sudden he started to pee! The sad part was he was peeing right at his face and he got it all over himself! It was so funny but so sad at the same. We had to do a little sponge bath and right as we started he peed all over me! How can this kid have so much pee in that little bladder?! He is a gassy one too so I know that it will be great fun when he is older and he will try to gross me out.

I love his little snores at night and the way he coos when he sleeps. I love when he looks right in to my eyes and I swear he can see me. It always makes us laugh when he tries to focus on two things at once and he goes cross eyed for a second. He is so freaking cute! But I now cover him with a wipe every time I change him so we are both kept dry : )