Is it kosher to write a new blog the day after you wrote your last?? Oh well I am new.
I work for the Guardian ad Litem's Office as the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Coordinator. Our office represents the abused and neglected children that are under the court's jurisdiction. Basically we help better the lives of kids that are being abused. My position is the volunteer coordinator. I manage about 65 volunteer all by myself. HARD JOB!! But I really love it because I genuinely love my volunteers.
So tonight we had our annual CASA recognition dinner. It was held at the local university, UVU, and we had about 70 people come out. It was awesome. That was until I had to get up and speak.
Now to back up for a second, I can't breathe. In the last few weeks of this pregnancy I will walk like 5 steps and lose my breathe. Lets not even mention what happens when I walk up the stairs.
Back to tonight, I have trained all of these CASAs and I am totally used to standing up in front of them. But tonight I was a little nervous. That was more because both of my bosses were there. So the time comes for me to got up on the stage and welcome everyone. Imagine me, having to walk up just 3 steps, nervous, and then out of breathe.
I get up on the stage and open my mouth and "Welcome every(breath)one. Thanks (breath) for coming (breath) tonight." It never stopped and then I was trying so hard to breathe that I actually sounded emotional. I wish there was a brown bag that I could have breathed in to. I looked like a fool. In front of my bosses. In front of my CASAs. In front of everyone!!! I would have rather tripped on the stage.
Other than me the event went great. The director of our office gave an amazing speech. He was very inspirational.
Hopefully I will learn to breathe again when all of my organs are not pushing against my lungs.