Oh my gosh it has been too long since I have blogged. Some times something funny happens and I think "I should blog about that" but then I decide laying around doing nothing is much more fun.
Well Josh and I just got back from our trip to visit my family in Connecticut. I decided to write a little at a time because laying around doing nothing is much more appealing right now. But let me start with the what happened before the trip.
For the last few months Josh has said to me "flying with you is going to be so hard because you will be huge and uncomfortable." I assured him day after day that I would be fine. It turned out it wasn't me we had to worry about. It was him!!
The day BEFORE we get on the plane he hurts his back because he forgot to push the pin in on his chair at work so he went flying backward and through his back out. Silly Joshy. This was Friday and we were leaving the next morning. Which means I had nothing packed. So when I got home from work he was in bed and couldn't move. I had to bring him dinner and medicine and stick an icey hot patch on him. Then I had to pack for the two of us. So I had to hold up something and he would say yes or no. Plus I had to pack for me.
The next day Josh's dad brought us to the airport. They brought Josh a cane but when we got to the airport we asked for a wheelchair. BEST IDEA EVER!! This meant we got to preboard before any one else. It was awesome. But we were a pretty pathetic sight, a huge pregnant lady and a 6'5" big guy in a wheelchair. Then when we got to our lay over in Denver they wheeled him to the next gate and once again we got to cut the line and get first dibs on a seat! It was great!
The week was a little hard at first because he was so uncomfortable and he moved so slowly. He had his cane the whole time which helped a lot. But he pushed through it and did pretty well.
After a whole week of drugs and icey hot patches Josh was doing great. Since we brought the cane out we had to bring it back so Josh had to hold the cane again. We came back from Connecticut this past Friday. We flew from Connecticut to Baltimore. There was a tropical storm when we flew out of Connecticut which meant our flight was about 35 minutes delayed. When we got to Baltimore we had about 5 minutes to get to the next gate. Well we pretty much ran and since we were flying Southwest we boarded after group C was even called. We went to get on the plane and the lady scanned Josh's ticket and a thing popped up that said he was in a wheelchair. We explained to her that on the way out he was but he is fine now. She said "well it says you are in a wheelchair so we saved you two seats together at the front of the plane so just tell the flight attendant you are the wheelchair person when you get on." We figured some one in Connecticut must have seen the cane and just put us down for a chair. THIS WAS AWESOME!! Because the whole plane was full. But it was kind of like lying so we had to have Josh play it up a little so no one would get mad at us. When we got on the plane he hobbled a little and winced to sit down and made it look like he was in terrible pain. My husband is such a good actor.
If you ever need a good seat on Southwest just tell them you need a wheelchair! Oh and I was just fine on the plane, flying while 7 months pregnant is no fun but I wasn't the one needing a wheelchair : )